
What In A Name Change In The Bible

Why did some people's name change in the Bible?

Through the course of interaction with His people, God occasionally inverse someone'south name. Information technology was generally done to establish a new identity that God wished them to embody.

The practice wasn't limited to Jews. Royalty from Assyria to Judah to Aboriginal Egypt to China often took different, public, names when they took the throne. Information technology is tradition for a new Pope to take the name of a former pope whom he wishes to emulate—ever since Mercurius was named pope and thought it bad form for a Catholic pope to have the proper noun of a Roman god. English royalty occasionally go by their eye names.

Most of the inverse names in the Bible were changed by God. Here is a fractional listing:

Abram – Abraham: high male parent – begetter of many. At the time, Abram wasn't father of anyone direct, although he was the patriarch and acting father of his clan. God changed his name as a sign of His hope that Abraham would be the father of many nations. (Genesis 17:5)

Sarai – Sarah: my princess – mother of nations. Despite Sarah's doubts, God intended her to be the mother of many nations as well. (Genesis 17:fifteen)

Jacob – Israel: supplanter – he who has the power of God. Jacob rose to position past manipulating his brother into giving him his firstborn birthright and and then tricking his father, Isaac, into giving him the firstborn blessing. God wanted to brand it clear that it was He who gave Israel power and position, not his ain conniving ways. (Genesis 32:28)

Simon – Peter: God has heard – rock. On his own Peter was non a rock. He ran hot and cold depending on the circumstances. With the Holy Spirit, nevertheless, Peter became the stabilizing influence for the new church. (John 1:42)

At that place were also a few characters who went through a name modify that was not ordained specifically by God.

Naomi – Mara: beautiful – bitter (Ruth 1:20). After her married man and sons died, Naomi attempted to alter her name to Mara, or bitterness, to reflect her hard circumstances. Neither history nor her daughter-in-law Ruth indulged her, and soon, God again blessed her with a family.

Saul – Paul: Some recall that God changed Saul's name to Paul afterward his conversion, but this isn't truthful. "Paul" is Greek for the Jewish "Saul." Since Paul was a Roman denizen and witnessed to the Greek-speaking world, information technology was reasonable for him to take a more familiar form of his own proper noun. (Acts xiii:9)

Joseph – Zaphenath-Paneah: When the Hebrew Joseph came into the service of the Pharaoh, he was given a new Egyptian name. (Genesis 41:45)

Daniel – Belteshazzar: When Daniel was taken into captivity to Babylon, and then taken to the courtroom of Nebuchadnezzar, he was given a Persian proper name to supplant his Hebrew proper noun. See likewise Hananiah/Shadrach, Mishael/Meshach, and Azariah/Abednego. (Daniel 1:vii)

Hadassah – Esther: The Jewess girl Hadassah (Myrtle) was also given a new name, Esther (star), when she was taken to be in Xerxes court. Incidentally, the name of the king, Ahasuerus, is a Jewish name, given in honor for Xerxes's conclusion to salvage the Jews. (Esther 2:7)

Finally, at that place is a proper noun change for all believers: God says, "To the one who conquers I will requite some of the hidden manna, and I will requite him a white stone, with a new proper name written on the rock that no one knows except the one who receives it" (Revelation 2:17). When we reach sky, God will also modify our names. Mayhap information technology will represent our own changed identity every bit we transition from sinful to holy.

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