
How Have The General Ideologies Of Each Major Party Changed Over Time

Symbols of the two major political parties in the U.S.--an elephant and a donkey

Symbols of the ii major political parties in the U.Southward.: the Republican Party symbolized by the elephant and the Democratic Party by the donkey. (Credit: modification of piece of work–Rooster Teeth "Political Political party Symbol Change" at

Learning Objectives: Political parties

  • Describe political parties and what they do.
  • Describe the furnishings of winner-take-all elections.
  • Compare plurality and proportional representation.
  • Describe the institutional, legal, and social forces that limit the number of parties.
  • Discuss the concepts of political party alignment and realignment.

While people dearest to criticize political parties, the reality is that the mod political system could not exist without them.

Commonage action issues are very mutual in societies, as groups and entire societies try to solve problems or distribute scarce resources. There are many groups, all with opinions about what should be washed and a desire to influence policy. But at some point, a social club must detect a fashion of taking all these opinions and turning them into solutions to real issues. That is where political parties come in.

Political parties are organized groups of people with like ideas or ideology about the function and telescopic of government, with shared policy goals that work together to elect individuals to political role, to create and implement policies, to further an calendar, and to proceeds control of the authorities and the policy-making procedure. Parties gain control over the regime by winning elections with candidates they officially sponsor or nominate for positions in government. Political parties nominate candidates to run many levels of government including the national level, Congress, and the presidency; merely, they nominate for state and local levels as well. They besides coordinate political campaigns and mobilize voters.

In Federalist No. 10, written in the late eighteenth century, James Madison noted that the formation of self-interested groups, which he called factions, was both natural and inevitable in any lodge. Interest groups and political parties are two of the virtually easily identified forms of faction in the The states.

consider the original

|| Federalist No. 10 ||

The Aforementioned Subject Connected: The Union equally a Safeguard Confronting Domestic Faction and Insurrection
From the New York Parcel.
Friday, November 23, 1787.

James Madison

[…] liberty, which is essential to political life, […] nourishes faction, […] the latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man […] a zeal for unlike opinions concerning […] government […] an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power […] take, in turn, divided mankind […][1]

Political parties are points of admission/linkage institutions available to the public, though they are not themselves authorities institutions. Neither interest groups nor political parties are direct mentioned in the U.Due south. Constitution. Where interest groups oft work indirectly to influence our leaders, political parties are organizations that try to directly influence public policy through nominating and officially sponsoring members who seek to win and concur public role. This is a fundamental difference. Interest groups practise not officially nominate or nominate candidates for public office, although they may support them politically and even contribute dollars to their campaign.

Parties achieve this by identifying and adjustment sets of issues that are important to voters in the hopes of gaining support during elections. In this respect, parties provide choices to the electorate, something they are doing that is in abrupt contrast to their opposition. These positions on these critical problems are often presented in entrada documents or political ad. During a national presidential campaign, they also often reflect the party platform, which is adopted at each political party's presidential nominating convention every four years.

If successful, a party tin create a large enough electoral coalition to gain control of the regime. In one case in power, the party is much more likely to be able to deliver, to its voters, the policy preferences they cull by electing its partisans to the government.Political parties organize political campaigns to win public office for those they nominate.

link to learningYou can read the total platform of the Republican Party and the Democratic Political party at their respective websites.  Or, bank check out the Green Party at and the Libertarian Party at https://world wide

Chart reviewing the functions of political parties--nomination, organization, education and coordination.

Party Ideology and Polarization

Political parties exist for the purpose of winning elections in social club to influence public policy. This requires them to build coalitions across a wide range of voters who share like preferences. As identified in a prior give-and-take of political ideology, the ideologies of liberalism and conservatism, while not representing the entire spectrum of U.Due south. political ideologies are predominately full-bodied where conservatives detect their major home in the Republican Party while liberals primarily associate with the Democrat Party. In considering libertarianism and populism, these ideologies historically add together many libertarians to the Republican ranks and many populists to the Democrat ranks.

The 2016 election offered a fractional variation to this full general blueprint with a not insignificant number of those adhering to populist viewpoints voting for the Republican Political party standard bearer, Donald Trump.

This chart illustrates the general distribution of party and ideological adherence.

This nautical chart illustrates the general distribution of party and ideological adherence.

Since most U.S. voters identify as moderates,[2] the historical tendency has been for the two parties to compete for "the middle" while besides trying to mobilize their more loyal bases.

Using the nautical chart above, information technology might be assumed that the two parties would try to appeal to voters toward the center where ideological lines intersect. Withal, there is evidence that the political party adherents (symbolized in the chart above by party shape) are moving farther autonomously, making appeals to moderates more difficult. Today, polling agencies have noticed that citizens' behavior accept become far more polarized, or widely opposed, over the last decade.[3]

To rail this polarization, Pew Research conducted a study of Republican and Democratic respondents over a 20-v-year span. Every few years, Pew would poll respondents, asking them whether they agreed or disagreed with statements. These statements are referred to equally "value questions" or "value statements," because they measure what the respondent values. Examples of statements include "Government regulation of concern usually does more harm than good," "Labor unions are necessary to protect the working person," and "Society should ensure all have equal opportunity to succeed." Afterward comparison such answers for xx-five years, Pew Research institute that Republican and Autonomous respondents are increasingly answering these questions very differently. This is especially truthful for questions about the authorities and politics. In 1987, 58 percent of Democrats and lx per centum of Republicans agreed with the statement that the government controlled too much of our daily lives. In 2012, 47 percent of Democrats and 77 per centum of Republicans agreed with the statement. This is an example of polarization, in which members of i party run into government from a very different perspective than the members of the other party.[iv]

Chart shows the widening partisan differences in political values between 1987 and 2012. In the center of the chart is a vertical axis line. On the right side of the line are the years 1987 through 2012 marked with ticks. On the left side of the line are percentages, labeled

Over the years, Democrats and Republicans have moved further apart in their behavior about the part of government. In 1987, Republican and Democratic answers to twoscore-viii values questions differed past an average of merely 10 percentage, but that departure has grown to 18 per centum over the final xx-five years.

Co-ordinate to some scholars, shifts led partisanship to become more than polarized than in previous decades, as more than citizens began thinking of themselves equally conservative or liberal rather than moderate.[five]

Consider the Original

Excerpt from a Transcript of President George Washington'southward Farewell Address (1796)

[…] All obstructions to the execution of the laws, all combinations and associations, nether any plausible character, with the existent design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and activity of the constituted authorities, are destructive of this key principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize faction, to requite it an bogus and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a modest but aesthetic and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of unlike parties, to brand the public assistants the mirror of the sick-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consequent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.

Nonetheless combinations or associations of the above clarification may at present and so answer popular ends, they are likely, in the grade of time and things, to become strong engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of authorities, destroying later on the very engines which take lifted them to unjust dominion […].[six]

Critical Elections and Realignment

If voters' preferences remained stable for long periods of time, and if both parties did a practiced job of competing for their votes, nosotros could expect Republicans and Democrats to be reasonably competitive in whatsoever given ballot. Election outcomes would probably be based on the way voters compared the parties on the most important events of the twenty-four hours rather than on electoral strategy.\

There are many reasons we would be incorrect in these expectations, yet. First, the electorate is non entirely stable. Each generation of voters has been a bit unlike from the last.

It sometimes happens that over a series of elections, parties may be unable or unwilling to adapt their positions to broader socio-demographic or economic forces. Parties need to exist enlightened when guild changes. If leaders refuse to recognize that public stance has changed, the political party is unlikely to win in the adjacent ballot. Groups that take felt that the party has served their causes in the past may determine to expect elsewhere if they feel their needs are no longer being met. Either fashion, the political party organisation will be upended as a result of a party realignment, or a shifting of party allegiances within the electorate.[7]

The 1932 election is considered an example of a critical election, one that represents a sudden, articulate, and long-term shift in voter allegiances. Roosevelt won the election with about 58% of the popular vote and 472 balloter votes, compared to incumbent Herbert Hoover'south 59 electoral votes.

After this election, for many years, the political parties were largely identified as being divided by differences in their members' socio-economic status. Those who favor stability of the current political and economic organisation tended to vote Republican, whereas those who would most benefit from irresolute the system usually favored Democrat candidates. Based on this alignment, the Democratic Political party won the nixt v consecutive presidential elections and was able to build a political coalition that dominated Congress into the 1990s, including holding an uninterrupted majority in the Firm of Representatives from 1954 to 1994.

The realignment of the parties did have consequences for Democrats. African Americans became an increasingly important part of the Democratic coalition in the 1940s through the 1960s, as the party took steps to support civil rights.[8] This impacted a critical element of the 1932 FDR Democratic party coalition–the solid south support for the party. Most changes were limited to the state level at first, simply equally civil rights reform moved to the national stage, rifts between northern liberal Democrats and southern conservative Democrats began to emerge.[9] Southern Democrats became increasingly convinced that national efforts to provide social welfare and encourage racial integration were violating state sovereignty and social norms. By the 1970s, many had begun to shift their allegiance to the Republican Political party, whose conservative ideology shared their opposition to the growing encroachment of the national regime into what they viewed as country and local matters.[10]

Almost fifty years afterwards it had begun, a realignment of the two political parties resulted in the flipping of post-Civil State of war allegiances, with urban areas and the Northeast now solidly Democratic, and the Southward and rural areas overwhelmingly voting Republican. The consequence today is a political organization that provides Republicans with considerable advantages in rural areas and virtually parts of the South.[11] Democrats boss urban politics and those parts of the South, known as the Blackness Belt, where the majority of residents are African American. However, in that location is no unmarried disquisitional election that led to this current alignment of political parties. It happened gradually, but especially later on the 1968 ballot.[12]

Most elections are non critical elections, but are known every bit maintaining elections in which the coalitions of population groups and geographic regions supporting one party's presidential candidate over the other party'due south candidate remain somewhat stable. Fifty-fifty in these types of elections political analysts will look for shifts form previous elections. Only if the shifts seem to endure for several elections might it be ended that another electoral realignment has occurred.

A look at the 2012 presidential election shows how the opinions of unlike demographic groups vary. For instance, 55 percent of women voted for Barack Obama and 52 percent of men voted for Mitt Romney. Age mattered likewise—sixty percent of voters under thirty voted for Obama, whereas 56 percent of those over 60-5 voted for Romney. Racial groups also varied in their support of the candidates. Ninety-three percent of African Americans and 71 percent of Hispanics voted for Obama instead of Romney.[thirteen] Conversely, 59% of white voters supported Romney.

A group of charts show how groups voted in the 2012 presidential election. When divided by sex, 45% of men voted for Obama, and 52% voted for Romney, while 55% of women voted for Obama and 44% voted for Romney. When divided by race, 39% of whites voted for Obama while 59% voted for Romney; 93% of African Americans voted for Obama; 73% of Asians voted for Obama while 26% voted for Romney; 71% of Hispanics voted for Obama while 27% voted for Romney; and 58% of

Breaking down voters by demographic groups may reveal very different levels of back up for detail candidates or policies among the groups.

The 2012 election results show articulate advantages for Democratic candidates among women, indicating a gender gap between the parties. In 2012, those with the least education and those with the well-nigh instruction (post-graduate study) tended to vote autonomous. This pattern also existed among the least educated and those with the to the lowest degree yearly income.

Over time, the U.s.a. has become more socially liberal, peculiarly on topics related to race and gender, and millennials—those aged eighteen–34—are more liberal than members of older generations and have shown a pattern of voting democratic.[fourteen] The electorate's economical preferences accept changed, and unlike social groups are probable to become more engaged in politics now than they did in the past. Surveys conducted in 2016, for case, revealed that candidates' faith is less important to voters than information technology once was. Also, as young Latinos reach voting age, they seem more than inclined to vote than practise their parents, which may heighten the traditionally depression voting rates amid this indigenous grouping.[15] Internal population shifts and displacements have also occurred, as various regions have taken their turn experiencing economical growth or stagnation, and as new waves of immigrants accept come to U.S. shores.

Based upon data from the National Exit Poll, the 2016 ballot showed both continuity and change in voting amongst socio-economical groups. It is obviously way as well early to determine whether the changes are permanent leading to a new voting coalition for the Republican Party or rather an exception to normal voting patterns.[16]

In 2016, the gender gap continued among voters with Democrat Hillary Clinton winning females 54% to 41%, only Democrats connected to bear witness weakness amongst males with Clinton losing to Trump 41% to 52%. If anything, the losing gap among males has widened for Democrats.[17]

While voting amid the 18-24 age group still significantly favored the Democratic candidate (56% to 34%), this margin was down from 2012 when candidate Barak Obama received 60% of this group's votes.[18]

One of the almost pregnant 2016 changes occurred when comparison voting by educational background. Democrats connected, in fact increased, their positive margins with those having mail-graduate written report; but, they also increased among the college educated. A very traditional autonomous group–those with high school education or less–was lost to Republicans, with Trump gaining 51% of this group. When the data is differentiated by both race and education, the Trump support among those without a college degree was shocking to most analysts. That is, 66% of all whites without college degrees supported Trump and 71% of white, non-college men supported Trump.[xix]

While Democrats won the majority of those in the lowest income subclass (under $50,000 per twelvemonth), the margin dropped by 7%. Besides, Democrats maintained their majority among union households, but by a significantly reduced margin.[20]

Following the tradition patter, identified party voters did support their ain party's candidate although by a slightly reduced margin, indicating some greater support for third political party candidates. Despite a heated nomination fight among Republicans, the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, still received an estimated 88% of all those who identified themselves with the Republican party.[21]

Set of bar graphs illustrating how various groups voted in the 2016 election including breakouts for gender, income, race, age, education, and party affiliation.

How does the two-party system work?

Winning elections and implementing policy would be hard plenty in simple political systems, just in a state equally circuitous equally the United States, political parties must take on neat responsibilities to win elections across the many local, state, and national governing bodies. Indeed, political differences betwixt states and local areas tin can contribute much complexity. If a party stakes out issue positions on which few people hold and therefore builds too narrow a coalition of voter support, that party may observe itself marginalized. But if the political party takes as well wide a position on bug, it might find itself in a state of affairs where the members of the party disagree with ane another, making information technology difficult to pass legislation, even if the political party can secure victory. Throughout the history of the United States, the political arena has been dominated by a serial of two primary parties with a periphery of tertiary parties also involved in the process.

One of the cornerstones of a vibrant representative republic is citizens' ability to influence government through voting. In gild for that influence to exist meaningful, citizens must send clear signals to their leaders about what they wish the government to do. It only makes sense, and so, that voters have several clearly differentiated options available to them at the polls on Ballot Solar day. Having these options means voters tin can select a candidate who more closely represents their ain preferences on the important problems of the solar day. It too gives individuals who are considering voting a reason to participate. After all, yous are more than likely to vote if you lot intendance about who wins and who loses. The existence of 2 major parties, especially in our nowadays era of strong parties, leads to sharp distinctions between the candidates and betwixt the political party organizations.

The two-party organization came into being because the construction of U.South. elections, with one seat tied to a geographic district, tends to lead to dominance by one of ii major political parties. Fifty-fifty when in that location are other options on the election, well-nigh voters sympathise that minor parties have no real take chances of winning even a single office. Hence, they vote for one candidate of the two major parties in club to support a potential winner. Of the 535 members of the House and Senate, only a handful identify as something other than Republican or Democrat. Third parties have fared no better in presidential elections. No third-political party candidate has ever won the presidency.

Ballot Rules and the 2-Political party Arrangement

A number of reasons have been suggested to explain why the structure of U.S. elections has resulted in a two-political party arrangement. The most frequent explanation has been the procedure used to select its representatives. First, near elections at the state and national levels are winner-take-all: The candidate who receives the greatest overall number of votes wins. Winner-take-all elections with i representative elected for ane geographic district allow voters to develop a personal relationship with "their" representative to the government. They know exactly whom to arraign, or give thanks, for the deportment of that government. Since voters do not like to waste votes, 3rd parties must convince voters they have a real chance of winning races before voters will take them seriously. This is a tall order given the vast resources and mobilization tools available to the existing parties.

In a arrangement in which individual candidates compete for individual seats representing unique geographic districts, a candidate must receive a adequately big number of votes in order to win. A party that appeals to only a small percentage of voters volition ever lose to a party that is more popular.[22]

Winner-take-all systems of electing candidates to office, which exist in several countries other than the U.s., tin can require that the winner receive either the majority of votes or a plurality of the votes. U.S. elections are based on plurality voting. Plurality voting, ordinarily referred to as showtime-by-the-post, is based on the principle that the individual candidate with the most votes wins, whether or not he or she gains a majority (51 percent or greater) of the full votes bandage. Plurality voting has been justified equally the simplest and nearly cost-constructive method for identifying a victor in a democracy. A single election can be held on a single day, and the victor of the competition is easily selected.

Abandoning plurality voting, even if the winner-take-all election were kept, would well-nigh certainly increase the number of parties from which voters could cull. The easiest switch would be to a majoritarian voting scheme, in which a candidate wins only if he or she enjoys the support of a bulk of voters. If no candidate wins a bulk in the first round of voting, a run-off ballot is held among the elevation contenders. Some states conduct their primary elections within the ii major political parties in this way.

Because 2d-place (or lower) finishers volition receive no advantage for their efforts, those parties that do not attract plenty supporters to finish offset at to the lowest degree some of the time volition eventually disappear because their supporters realize they have no hope of achieving success at the polls.[23] The failure of third parties to win and the possibility that they will depict votes abroad from the party the voter had favored before—resulting in a win for the party the voter liked least—makes people hesitant to vote for the tertiary party's candidates a second time. This has been the fate of all U.S. third parties—the Populist Party, the Progressives, the Dixiecrats, the Reform Party, and others.

Third parties, often built-in of frustration with the current system, attract supporters from one or both of the existing parties during an ballot simply fail to attract enough votes to win. Later on the election is over, supporters feel remorse when their least-favorite candidate wins instead. For instance, in the 2000 election, Ralph Nader ran for president as the candidate of the Green Party. Nader, a longtime consumer activist concerned with environmental bug and social justice, attracted many votes from people who usually voted for Democratic candidates. This has caused some to merits that Democratic nominee Al Gore lost the 2000 election to Republican George W. Bush, because Nader won Democratic votes in Florida that might otherwise have gone to Gore.[24]

Image A is of Ralph Nader standing behind a podium. Image B is of Al Gore standing behind a podium.

Ralph Nader, a longtime consumer abet and crusader for social justice and the environment, campaigned as an independent in 2008 (a). However, in 2000, he ran for the presidency every bit the Green Party candidate. He received votes from many Democrats, and some analysts claim Nader's entrada toll Al Gore the presidency—an ironic twist for a politico who would come to exist known primarily for his environmental activism, even winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 (b) for his efforts to inform the public about climate change. (Credit a: modification of work past "Mely-o"/Flikr"; Credit b: modification of work by "kangotraveler"/Flickr)

A Proportional Electoral System

In a proportional balloter organisation, however, parties advertise who is on their candidate list and voters pick a party. Then, legislative seats are doled out to the parties based on the proportion of support each party receives. While the Green Party in the United States might not win a single congressional seat in some years thanks to plurality voting, in a proportional system, it stands a chance to go a few seats in the legislature regardless. For example, presume the Greenish Party gets 7 percent of the vote. In the U.s., 7 percent will never be enough to win a single seat, shutting the Light-green candidates out of Congress entirely, whereas in a proportional system, the Green Party will get seven percent of the total number of legislative seats bachelor. Hence, it could go a foothold for its problems and perhaps increase its support over time. But with plurality voting, it doesn't stand a gamble.

Moving to a proportional balloter arrangement would involve the abandonment of the winner-take-all approach and would increment the number of parties in the U.S. system.

Two voting ballots side-by-side, one in English and one in Russian.

While a U.South. election (a) for first-by-the-postal service elections features candidates' names, the ballots of proportional representation countries listing the parties. On this Russian ballot (b), the voter is offered a selection of Social Autonomous, Nationalist, Socialist, and Communist parties, among others.

One proposal to implement proportional representation in the United States would exist to allocate legislative seats based on the national level of support for each political party'southward presidential candidate, rather than on the results of individual races. If this method had been used in the 1996 elections, 8 pct of the seats in Congress would have gone to Ross Perot'southward Reform Party considering he won viii percent of the votes cast. Even though Perot himself lost, his supporters would accept been rewarded for their efforts with representatives who had a real voice in government. And Perot's party's chances of survival would have profoundly increased. All the same, this proposal would be a major constitutional change requiring successful passage of a constitutional amendment.

Electoral representation systems are not the only reason the U.s. has a two-party system. We need only look at the number of parties in the British or Canadian systems, both of which are winner-take-all plurality systems like that in the U.s., to run across that it is possible to have more than than two parties while however directly electing representatives.

The two-political party organisation is rooted in U.S. history. From the first parties to our electric current state of affairs, no more than two major parties ever formed. Instead of parties arising based on region or ethnicity, various regions and ethnic groups sought a place in one of the 2 major parties. What are other possible explanations? Scholars of voting beliefs have suggested at least three other characteristics of the U.S. system which explain the persistence of our two-party system.

  • The Electoral Higher and Electoral Voting
  • Demobilized Indigenous Groups
  • Campaign and Election Laws

First, the U.s.a. has a presidential system in which the winner is selected through the Electoral College. The winner-take-all system also applies. In all but ii states (Maine and Nebraska), the full of the state's balloter votes become to the candidate who wins the plurality of the popular vote in that state. Even if a new, third party is able to win the support of a lot of voters, it must be able to do so in several states in gild to win plenty balloter votes to have a gamble of winning the presidency.[25]

Besides the existence of the Electoral College, political scientist Gary W. Cox has also suggested that the relative prosperity of the United States and the relative unity of its citizens have prevented the formation of "large dissenting groups" that might give support to third parties.[26] This is like to the statement that the United States does non have viable third parties, because none of its regions is dominated by mobilized ethnic minorities that have created political parties in club to defend and to address concerns solely of interest to that ethnic group. Such parties are common in other countries.

Finally, party success is strongly influenced past local election laws. Someone has to write the rules that govern elections, and those rules aid to determine outcomes. In the United States, such rules accept been written to make it easy for existing parties to secure a spot for their candidates in time to come elections. Just some states create significant burdens for candidates who wish to run as independents or who choose to represent new parties. For case, ane common practice is to require a candidate who does non have the support of a major party to inquire registered voters to sign a petition. Sometimes, thousands of signatures are required earlier a candidate's proper noun can be placed on the ballot, simply a pocket-sized 3rd party that does have big numbers of supporters in some states may non exist able to secure enough signatures for this to happen.[27]

An image of one person holding a clipboard, shaking hands with another person. A third person stands nearby.

Costa Constantinides (right), while campaigning in 2013 to represent the 22nd District on the New York Urban center Council, said, "Few things are more of import to a campaign than the petition process to get on the ballot. Nosotros were then pumped upwardly to get started that we went out at 12:01 a.yard. on June 4 to start collecting signatures right away!" Constantinides won the election subsequently that year. (Credit: modification of work by Costa Constantinides)

link to learningVisit Fair Vote for a give-and-take of ballot access laws across the country.

Given the obstacles to the formation of 3rd parties, it is unlikely that serious challenges to the U.S. two-party system volition emerge. Just this does not mean that we should view it as entirely stable either. The U.S. party system is technically a loose organization of fifty different state parties and has undergone several considerable changes since its initial consolidation after the Ceremonious War. Third-party movements may have played a role in some of these changes, merely all resulted in a shifting of party loyalties amongst the U.South. electorate.

Nomination Stage and the Political Political party Office

Although the Constitution explains how candidates for national office are elected, it is silent on how those candidates are nominated. Political parties have taken on the role of selecting or officially sponsoring nominees for offices, such every bit the presidency and seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives. In one case nominated, the candidate is considered the official representative of the party for that public office, and the party supports that candidacy with the voters. Considering in that location are no national laws and minimal national guidelines, there is much variation in the nomination process. States laissez passer election laws and regulations, cull the selection method for party nominees, and schedule the ballot, merely the procedure also greatly depends on views of the respective political parties at the state level.

States, through their legislatures, often influence the nomination method by paying for an election to help parties identify the nominee the voters prefer. Many states fund elections because they tin hold several nomination races at one time. In 2016, many voters–at the aforementioned time–had to cull a presidential nominee, U.S. Senate nominee, House of Representatives nominee, and country-level legislature nominee for their parties.

Chief Elections

The most mutual method of picking a party nominee for state, local, and presidential contests is the primary election. In the primary election, voters cast a election to indicate which candidate they want for the party nominee. The United States is fairly unique among governments world-wide in using the election primary procedure as the driving force to determine who volition be the nominee of a item party. In most other countries, this determination of who to officially sponsor as a political party nominee is made by small insider groups of party officials either by some form of primal committee or convention. Despite the ease of voting using a ballot, primary elections have a number of rules and variations that tin can still crusade confusion for citizens. In a closed master, only members of the political political party selecting nominees may vote. A registered Green Political party fellow member, for example, is not allowed to vote in the Republican or Democratic master. Parties prefer this method, because it ensures the nominee is picked past voters who legitimately support the party. An open up primary allows all voters to vote. In this system, a Green Party member is allowed to selection either a Democratic or Republican ballot when voting. Modified chief (sometimes chosen semi-airtight) allows independent voters, who are not affiliated with whatever political party, to enter the party main of their choice.

For state-level office nominations, or the nomination of a U.Due south. Senator or House member, some states utilise the top-ii primary method. A top-two primary, sometimes called a jungle primary, pits all candidates confronting each other, regardless of party affiliation. The two candidates with the near votes become the terminal candidates for the general election. Thus, 2 candidates from the aforementioned party could run against each other in the general election. In ane California congressional district, for case, iv Democrats and ii Republicans all ran against i another in the June 2012 primary. The two Republicans received the nearly votes, and then they ran against one another in the general ballot in November.[28] More often, nonetheless, the top-two system is used in state-level elections for non-partisan elections, in which none of the candidates are allowed to declare a political political party.

In general, parties do not like nominating methods that allow non-party members to participate in the option of party nominees. In 2000, the Supreme Courtroom heard a case brought by the California Democratic Political party, the California Republican Party, and the California Libertarian Political party.[29] The parties argued that they had a right to decide who associated with the party and who participated in choosing the party nominee. The Supreme Court agreed, limiting u.s.a.' choices for nomination methods to closed and open primaries.

The Caucus Organization

Despite the common use of the primary election system, in 2016 fourteen states used a conclave system.[30] A caucus is a coming together of party members in which nominees are selected informally. Caucuses are less expensive than primaries because they rely on voting methods such every bit dropping marbles in a jar, placing names in a hat, standing under a sign bearing the candidate'due south proper name, or taking a voice vote. Volunteers record the votes and no poll workers demand to be trained or compensated. Similar to master elections, caucuses can either be closed, open, or modified.

An image of a group of people standing in a room.

Caucus-goers gather at a Democratic precinct conclave on January iii, 2008, in Iowa Urban center, Iowa. Caucuses are held every two years in more than 1650 Iowa precincts. (Credit: OpenStax posted paradigm)

The party members at the caucus also help select delegates, who represent their pick at the political party's state- or national-level nominating convention. The caucus system receives the most national media attention when information technology is role of the presidential nomination process. Very ofttimes this is a multiple step process whereby delegates selected at the first level of the conclave system then select delegates to conventions at the state level who eventually select delegates pledged to the national convention to cast the official vote for that state'south choice for party nominee.

The Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus is well-known for its spirited nature. The party's voters are asked to align themselves into preference groups, which often means standing in a room or part of a room that has been designated for the candidate of choice. The voters then get to fence and discuss the candidates, sometimes in a very animated and forceful manner. Later a ready time, party members are allowed to realign before the last count is taken. The caucus leader then determines how many members support each candidate, which determines how many delegates each candidate will receive. Besides, the Iowa Republican Presidential Conclave also kicks-off the presidential nomination process and requires its members to go to special meeting places to express their preferences for a nominee and delegates pledged to a particular candidate.

The conclave has its proponents and opponents. Many argue that information technology is more interesting than the chief and brings out more sophisticated voters, who then benefit from the chance to debate the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates. The conclave arrangement is also more transparent than ballots. The local party members get to run across the election upshot and pick the delegates who will correspond them at the national convention. Opponents point out that caucuses accept ii to three hours and are intimidating to less experienced voters. Voter turnout for a caucus is by and large xx percent lower than for a principal.[31]

The Nomination Schedule

Regardless of which nominating system, the primary election or caucus, the states and parties choose, states must also make up one's mind which day they wish to concord their nomination. When the nominations are for land-level role, such every bit governor, the land legislatures receive footling to no input from the national political parties. In presidential ballot years, however, the national political parties establish rules to govern the chief or election process and how candidates can acquire the necessary number of pledged delegates to the national convention to be officially nominated by their political party. Finally, the gild in which the chief elections and conclave selections are held shape the overall race.[32] Only Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina are given express permission past the national parties to hold presidential primaries or caucuses to classify convention delegates in January or Feb. Both political parties protect the three states' status as the first states to host caucuses and primaries, due to tradition and the relative ease of campaigning in these smaller states. By and large, these 3 contests, have played a major part in reducing the number of feasible candidates running for the nomination of their respective parties.

Other states, specially large states similar California, Florida, Michigan, and Wisconsin, often have been frustrated that they must look to hold their presidential primary elections for delegates later in the season. Their frustration is reasonable: candidates who do poorly in the first few primaries often drop out entirely, leaving fewer candidates to run in caucuses and primaries held in February and later. In 2008, California, New York, and several other states disregarded the national political party's guidelines and scheduled their primaries the starting time week of February. In response, Florida and Michigan moved their primaries to January and many other states moved frontwards to March. This was not the first time states participated in front-loading and scheduled the majority of the primaries and caucuses at the offset of the primary season. Information technology was, even so, i of the worst occurrences. States have been front-loading since the 1976 presidential election, with the problem becoming more than severe in the 1992 election and later.[33]

The beginning major strategy to front-load was to agree an early March "Super Tuesday" master with multiple state contests on the same engagement. This do expanded and then that in 2016 twelve states held primaries on March 1. Ordinarily, after "Super Tuesday," there is a clear leader among nominees of their corresponding parties. In 2016, Hillary Clinton had nearly an insurmountable lead amidst delegates. The 2016 Republican presidential nomination campaign was somewhat unusual in that the early March primaries had not really established a clear favorite. This situation of no clear leader also occurred in the 2008 Democratic nomination battle between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Political parties allot presidential delegates to each state for their national nomination conventions based on the number of registered party voters in each land. When the national political parties desire to prevent states from front-loading, or doing anything else the deem detrimental, they can change the state'due south delegate count, which in essence increases or reduces the state'southward say in who becomes the presidential nominee.

The national committees of each party do not dictate to the states whether they should have a primary or a caucus or the voting eligibility rules (open, shut, modified) that govern the land presidential nomination procedure. They take fabricated rules on how the delegates should exist divided among those who participate in the competition. That is, in the Democratic Political party, candidates win delegates to the national convention in proportion to the outcome of the primary or caucus. This principle of proportional division of winners of fifteen% of the vote, governs all nomination contests in the Democratic Party. The rules are different in the Republican Party, where they allow winner-take-all delegate outcomes for contests after March 15, but restrict before primaries earlier that appointment to proportional division of those receiving at least 15% of the votes.

In the instance of the Democratic Party, the national committee has set aside approximately 15% of delegates as guaranteed consul spots for key party officials–known as "Super-Delegates." The Republican political party has no comparable gear up-aside provision. Therefore, in the Democratic party nomination process, and additional factor also primaries and caucuses becomes important. That is, contenders for the political party nomination must seek support fro 712 "Super-Delegates," who are not pledged to support the candidate who happened to win the main in the land where they reside.

Changes in the Presidential Nominating Process

The rise of the presidential primary and caucus system as the primary means by which presidential candidates are selected has had a number of anticipated and unanticipated consequences. For one, the campaign flavor has grown longer and more than costly. In 1960, John F. Kennedy declared his intention to run for the presidency just eleven months before the general ballot. Compare this to Hillary Clinton, who appear her intention to run nearly 2 years before the 2008 general ballot. Today'southward long campaign seasons are seasoned with a seemingly ever-increasing number of debates amid contenders for the nomination. In 2016, when the number of candidates for the Republican nomination became big and unwieldy, two debates among them were held, in which merely those candidates polling greater support were allowed in the more important prime-time argue. The runners-upwardly spoke in the other debate.

A photo of Ted Cruz giving a speech at a campaign event.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), though disliked by the party establishment, was able to rise to the top in the Iowa caucuses in 2016. Ultimately, Cruz bowed out of the race when Donald Trump finer clinched the nomination in Indiana in early May 2016. (Credit: Michael Vadon)

Finally, the procedure of going straight to the people through primaries and caucuses has created some opportunities for party outsiders to rise. Neither Ronald Reagan nor Beak Clinton was especially popular with the party leadership of the Republicans or the Democrats (respectively) at the outset. The outsider phenomenon has been most clearly demonstrated, nevertheless, in the 2016 presidential nominating process, as those distrusted by the political party establishment, such equally Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, who never before held political office, raced ahead of party favorites like Jeb Bush early on in the main process.

Primaries offering tests of candidates' popular appeal, while state caucuses testify to their ability to mobilize and organize grassroots support among committed followers. Primaries too reward candidates in different ways, depending on the political party rules and the engagement of the primary.

The rising of the chief has also displaced the convention itself as the place where political party regulars cull their standard bearer. Once truthful contests in which party leaders fought it out to elect a candidate, by the 1970s, party conventions more often than not but served to prophylactic-stamp the option of the primaries. By the 1980s, the convention drama was gone, replaced by a long, televised commercial designed to extol the political party's greatness. Without the drama and doubt, major news outlets take steadily curtailed their coverage of the conventions, convinced that few people are interested. The 2016 elections seem to back up the idea that the primary process produces a nominee rather than political party insiders. Outsiders Donald Trump on the Republican side and Senator Bernie Sanders on the Democratic side had much success despite significant concerns near them from party elites. Whether this pattern could be reversed in the case of a closely contested selection process remains to be seen.

The Party Function in the National Convention

Party conventions are typically held between June and September, with state-level conventions earlier in the summertime and national conventions afterward. Conventions usually last four to five days, with days devoted to platform discussion and planning and nights reserved for speeches. Local media covers the speeches given at state-level conventions, showing speeches given past the party nominees for governor and lieutenant governor, and perhaps of import guests or the country's U.S. senators. The national media covers the Democratic and Republican conventions during presidential election years, mainly showing the speeches. Some cable networks broadcast delegate voting and voting on party platforms. Members of the candidate's family and of import party members will mostly speak during the first few days of a national convention, with the vice presidential nominee speaking on the next-to-last dark and the presidential candidate on the final night. The ii chosen candidates will so hit the campaign trail for the general election. The political party with the incumbent president will hold the later convention, so in 2016, the Democrats will hold their convention subsequently the Republicans.

Image A is of Reince Priebus standing at a podium in front of a crowd of people. Behind Priebus is an elephant symbol, colored red and blue with three white stars along its back. Image B is of a hat with an American flag, red and blue stars, and a political pin attached to it.

Reince Priebus, then chairman of the Republican National Committee, opens the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, on August 28, 2012 (a). Pageantry and symbolism, such every bit the flag motifs and political buttons shown on this Wisconsin attendee'southward chapeau (b), reign supreme during national conventions. (Credit a, b: modification of work by Mallory Bridegroom/PBS NewsHour)

There are rarely surprises at the mod convention. Cheers to party rules, the nominee for each political party is generally already clear. In 2008, John McCain had locked upward the Republican nomination in March by having enough delegates, while in 2012, President Obama was an unchallenged incumbent and hence people knew he would be the nominee. The naming of the vice president is more often than not not a surprise either. Even if a presidential nominee tries to go along information technology a underground, the news ofttimes leaks out before the party convention or official announcement. In 2004, the media appear John Edwards was John Kerry'south running mate. The Kerry entrada had not made a formal announcement, but an apprentice photographer had taken a picture of Edwards' proper noun existence added to the candidate's plane and posted it to an aviation bulletin lath.

Despite the lack of surprises, there are several reasons to host traditional conventions. First, the parties crave that the delegates officially cast their ballots. Delegates from each state come up to the national party convention to publicly state who their state's voters selected as the nominee.

Second, delegates will bring land-level concerns and problems to the national convention for discussion, while local-level delegates bring concerns and issues to country-level conventions. This list of problems that concern local party members, like limiting abortions in a state or removing restrictions on gun ownership, are called planks, and they volition be discussed and voted upon past the delegates and political party leadership at the convention. Just as wood planks make a platform, issues important to the party and party delegates make up the party platform. The parties have the cohesive list of problems and concerns and frame the election effectually the platform. Candidates will try to keep to the platform when campaigning, and outside groups that support them, such as super PACs, may likewise try to keep to these issues.

Third, conventions are covered by most news networks and cable programs. This helps the party nominee get positive attention while surrounded past loyal delegates, family members, friends, and colleagues. For presidential candidates, this positivism oftentimes leads to a bump in popularity, so the candidate gets a small increment in favorability. If a candidate does non get the bump, however, the campaign manager has to evaluate whether the candidate is connecting well with the voters or is out of step with the political party faithful. In 2004, John Kerry spent the Democratic convention talking about getting U.S. troops out of the war in Republic of iraq and increasing spending at domicile. Yet after his patriotic and positive convention, Gallup recorded no convention bump and the voters did not appear more likely to vote for him.

General Elections and Political Party Strategy

The general ballot entrada period occurs between mid-August and early November. These elections are simpler than primaries and caucuses, because in that location are simply two major party candidates and a few small-scale party candidates. About 50 percent of voters will make their decisions based on party membership, so the candidates will focus on winning over independent voters and visiting swing states where the ballot is close.[34]

Since the United States has a presidential system in which the winner is selected indirectly by a group of electors known collectively equally the Electoral College, a situation with "swing states" has arisen. The electoral organisation is mainly winner-have-all except for two states (Maine and Nebraska), where the total of the land'due south electoral votes go to the candidate who wins the plurality of the popular vote in the country. This has led to campaigns where the objective is to earn 270 electoral votes with primary focus on states that are considered "swing states," in which the state winner is unclear because neither political party is boss in that state. Essentially, the other states are either solid or strongly leaning to one party or the other. In recent election cycles, 12 swing states have emerged.

Map showing key swing states for 2016.

(Credit for Map: United states of america Today Research by Kevin A. Kepple, Jerry Mosemak, Julie Snyder, Robert Aherens, Usa TODAY)

Questions to Consider

  1. Could the modernistic political system be without political parties?

    open for argue

  2. What are political parties?

    very large groups of individuals with a set of shared interests attempting to influence the political process, elections, policy outcomes, etc.

  3. Why accept political parties get so highly structured?

    structure offers better organisation and potentially meliorate advocacy and achievement of policy goals

  4. Why does it seem that parties today are more polarized than they have been in the by?

    open for argue

  5. What impact, if whatsoever, exercise tertiary parties typically have on U.S. elections?

    they frequently deed as spoilers; causing a candidate to lose equally the vote is dissever

  6. In what ways practice political parties collude with state and local government to prevent the rising of new parties?

    they make the rules

Terms to Remember

caucus–a form of candidate nomination that occurs in a town-hall style format rather than a mean solar day-long election; usually reserved for presidential elections

closed principal–an ballot in which only voters registered with a party may vote for that party'due south candidates

coattail effect–the result when a popular presidential candidate helps candidates from his or her party win their own elections

critical election–an ballot that represents a sudden, clear, and long-term shift in voter allegiances

delegates–political party members who are chosen to stand for a particular candidate at the party'due south state- or national-level nominating convention

commune organisation–the means past which electoral votes are divided betwixt candidates based on who wins districts and/or the state

Electoral College–the constitutionally created grouping of individuals, called by the states, with the responsibleness of formally selecting the next U.S. president; a presidential system in which the winner is selected not straight by the popular vote but indirectly by a grouping of electors

majoritarian voting–type of election in which the winning candidate must receive at least 50 per centum of the votes, even if a run-off election is required

midterm elections–the congressional elections that occur in the even-numbered years between presidential election years, in the middle of the president's term

political party platform–the collection of a party'south positions on issues it considers politically important

political parties–organizations made up of groups of people with similar interests that try to directly influence public policy through their members who seek and concur public role

party realignment–a shifting of party alliances within the electorate

platform–the set up of issues of import to the political political party and the party delegates

plurality voting–the election rule by which the candidate with the nearly votes wins, regardless of vote share

proportional representation–a political party-based election rule in which the number of seats a political party receives is a function of the share of votes information technology receives in an election

swing states–states, in a presidential election twelvemonth, which neither of the 2 major political parties are able to boss; and, therefore the state winner of the electoral votes are unclear until votes are tabulated; not-swing states are solidly leaning to one political party or the other

third parties–political parties formed as an alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties, also known every bit minor parties

acme-2 primary–a primary election in which the ii candidates with the nearly votes, regardless of political party, become the nominees for the full general election

ii-political party system–a system in which two major parties win all or about all elections

winner-take-all organisation–all electoral votes for a country are given to the candidate who wins the most votes in that state


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